IUCN Oceania would like to congratulate Vatu-i-Ra Conservation Trust on receiving a BIOPAMA Rapid Response Grant, this will provide much needed assistance for improving management and supporting local communities.
IUCN’s Regional Director, Mason Smith, notes “through the generous support of the European Union and the Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States, we are very proud to be able to provide three grants worth nearly FJD 300,000 to the protected areas of Fiji, particularly during these challenging circumstances”.
There will be further upcoming grant funding opportunities through BIOPAMA and the KIWA Initiative over the coming months.
Vatu-i-Ra Conservation Trust receives BIOPAMA Rapid Response Grant 2021

General Objective (Medium or long term impact of the project): Support and strengthen the governance and management of the Vatu-i-Ra Conservation Park, ensuring continued support by local communities and other stakeholders
Specific Objective (Overall result expected at the end of the project)
To maintain the biodiversity of the Vatu-i-Ra Conservation Park by continuing support for the Park and the prevention of illegal poaching.
Key activities:
1) Awareness with the Indigenous communities with customary rights to the Park
1.1 Design, translate, and produce standardised awareness materials on the VIRCP
1.2 Education and awareness activities conducted in all 27 villages on the VIRCP, using gender and socially inclusive techniques. Materials developed in Activity 1.1 will be distributed during Activity 1.2.
2) Education and awareness raising activities with fishers from within and outside of Nakorotubu District
2.1 Design and produce standardised awareness materials on the VIRCP
2.2 Education and awareness activities conducted with commercial fishers (located north and south of the Park), that target areas within or adjacent to the VIRCP. Materials developed in Activity 2.1 will be distributed during Activity 2.2.
3) Patrolling and monitoring of the VIRCP
3.1. Government appointed fish wardens to undertake monitoring and patrols of the VIRCP, in close coordination with Management Committee and Ministry of Fisheries.
3.2 Develop a standard operating procedure for monitoring and patrols to ensure they are effective, with clear roles, responsibilities, and lines of reporting and communication in place.
3.3 Training and capacity building of newly appointed fish wardens to strengthen their role in Park management.
4) Improve the capacity of the Management Committee to manage the VIRCP
4.1 Develop and strengthen systems used by the Management Committee to oversee the day-to-day management of the Park.
4.2 Provide core training to improve Park management and oversight (e.g. financial literacy, grant management, legal provisions in Trust Deed).
PC: WCS-Fiji
Tags: European Union in the Pacificc; OACPS Secretariat – Secrétariat OEACP; EU Science Hub – Joint Research Centre; Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme – SPREP; IUCN Protected Areas; VatuiRa Conservation Park- FIJI